Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Journey of Faith

GATEWAY FAMILY: We will have a special prayer time for Haiti during our worship services on Sunday

A Journey of Faith

Ask yourself: “What would my life look like if the Holy Spirit was completely unleashed in me?” Would it be different from what it currently looks like? Most likely.

And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. (Hebrews 10:19)

When Jesus’ body was torn for our sins, God tore the curtain in the Holy of Holies that separated us from Him. We are no longer separated from God. Through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we have access to the “Most Holy Place”… God Himself. All the power of the universe is in this Most Holy Place. The Ruler, Creator, the Lord Jehovah is in this Most Holy Place. AND He invites us to enter, to join Him! We do not enter because of self-righteousness, nor because we desire it. We enter because of the precious blood of Jesus.

If you want the power of God unleashed in your life, I challenge you to begin with the following steps:

1. First and foremost without any doubt, know that Jesus Christ is your personal Lord and Savior. The saddest words you could possibly hear from Jesus would be “depart from me… I never knew you!” (Matthew 7:21-23)

2. Simplify your life! Why? So that you can become a laser-beam for Jesus. When you are not focused, then your life is blurry.

3. Fully engage yourself into the community of Gateway Church. How? Come to worship; join a LIFE group; volunteer in a ministry; give. Stop sitting on the side-lines.

4. Ask God to make your life count for what matters to Him. This means you pray (and pray constantly) as you take this journey of faith. This means you don’t set the agenda for your life – God does. This means that you hold nothing back from God.

A word of caution, in fact, it is a promise. If you get on God’s schedule and agenda, you can expect attacks and challenges. Satan will not give up his hold on a person’s life without a fight.

God has not called us to create heaven on earth. If the goal of Gateway were to create heaven on earth, it would fail. God calls us to get people into the real heaven, not to build our own.

Gateway is on a Journey of Faith. We want to see the power of Holy God unleashed in our fellowship. This is the time for Gateway to go on the offensive. This is the time for us to place our confidence fully on Jesus. This is the time for us to lift up Christ in this community. People who are far from Jesus matter to God!