Monday, February 13, 2012

Compassion - WMHK - Gateway Church

What do these three ministries have in common? Simple. We are making a difference in a country called Bangladesh. Imagine living in a country that is 83% Muslim, 16% Hindu and 0.5% Christian. Imagine living with 54% unemployment. Imagine, if you were fortunate enough to have a job, making a wage of 11 cents per hour. Imagine living in a village with no running water or electricity. Imagine not knowing if you will have anything to eat tomorrow. Imagine living in utter spiritual darkness with no hope for a future. That is Bangladesh.

Compassion International is making difference in 26 different countries. Bangladesh is one of them. They have been ministering for 7 years in this country of great need. Currently over 20,000 children are in a Compassion project.

WMHK had a dream to sponsor an entire project that was new and no sponsors for the children. Compassion challenged them with a new project in northern Bangladesh. WMHK accepted the challenge and ask me to travel with them. We had the rare privilege of being with 150 children on their very first day of a brand new project. It was amazing. God stretched me beyond measure.

God challenged me to reassess how I was spending my resources. Am I just entertaining myself or am I investing in eternity? I have always heard, "you can't take it with you." Well, according to the Bible, you CAN send it ahead! For $38 a month, I can be used by the Holy Spirit to bring a young child to Jesus... to feed him one balanced meal everyday... to educate him... to clothe him... to introduce his entire family to Jesus... and possibly introduce his entire village to Jesus. What a deal! Now that is an eternal investment.

Gateway joined me in this challenge and on a single Sunday sponsored nearly half of the children in this new project. Now WMHK is seeking to sponsor the remaining children in a special emphasis February 15th and 16th.  

Are you investing in eternity?