Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What's the deal with fear? - Part 1

I want to revisit a verse I shared with you in April.

“Immediately after this, Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people home. After sending them home, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night fell while he was there alone. Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, ‘It’s a ghost!’ But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” Matthew 14:22-27 (NLT)

There is a truth in this verse that can be easily missed. Jesus insisted that his disciples get in the boat and cross to the other side of the lake. I have personally been on the lake referenced in this passage. It makes Lake Murray look like a fishing pond. It’s huge! In fact, Mary and I were riding across the Sea of Galilee on the back of a boat when I asked her to marry me… for the third time I might add.

So here is my question. When Jesus sent the disciples to the other side of the lake, did he know what was in store for them? Of course he did. He was setting up a teaching moment. He knew the storm was coming… maybe he sent the storm. He certainly used his authority to stop the storm.

So why was Jesus teaching them about fear? Actually he was teaching them about faith. If you are going to be a person of faith, you have to understand fear.

You know faith is the key don’t you?

“And it is impossible to please God without faith.” Hebrews 11:6a

“God saved you by his grace when you believed (faith).” Ephesians 2:8a

The next time you are overwhelmed with fear, ask Jesus, “Lord, what lesson do you want to teach me?” I bet he will teach you something about faith.